可以补充一些假期生活的注意事项。 英语内容 1、When staying at home or going out, you should raise your awareness of prevention. Do not open the door to strangers, do not interact with social idle people. Go out in groups at night, and do not walk in back streets. 2、 To comply with the school summer vacation safety requirements, comply with the school safety management regulations. 3、Pay attention to traffic safety and strictly abide by traffic rules. Cross the road to walk zebra crossing, pedestrian bridge, etc.Shall not cross at will. Do not run on the road, play, driving to pay attention to safety, to avoid traffic accidents. 4、Pay attention to the safety of drowning prevention, without the consent of parents. Do not go out to reservoirs, ponds, beaches and other wild places to play. 5、Pay attention to food safety and food hygiene. 中文翻译 1、居家或外出时,要提高防范意识,不给陌生人开门,不和社会闲杂人员交往,夜间结伴出行,不走背街小巷。 2、要遵守学校暑假安全要求,遵守学校各项安全管理规定。 3、注意交通安全,严格遵守交通规则。横穿公路要走斑马线、人行天桥等,不得随意横穿,不在公路上跑闹、玩耍,驾车出行注意安全,避免交通事故发生。 4、注意防溺水安全,未经家长同意,不得私自或擅自结伴外出到水库、池塘、海边等野外场所玩耍。 5、注意饮食安全,注意饮食卫生。
可以写一点你假期发生的事,画一点图案,(比如椰子树、海鸥)我也是个小学生,我用黄色的笔写了假期生活几个字,然后用蓝笔描了边,(紫色也很好) 我写了一个题目是“我的假期我做主”然后里面写了我这个假期都干了什么、去了哪里。剩下的你可以在网上找一些暑假里的笑话。 好了我能说的就这些了。希望你喜欢!!!