希望对你有帮助【译文】 有鹦鹉飞到其它山栖息, 山中的飞禽走兽都喜欢它. 鹦鹉想 在这山虽然快乐,但不是我长时间居住的地方, 就离开了。 好几个月后, 山中起大火, 鹦鹉远远地看见, 心里急得像在焚烧,于是用水沾湿羽毛,飞过去洒向山. 天神说:你虽然有好的心意,但又有什么用呢? 鹦鹉回答:我虽然知道一点点的水不能救它们.我曾经寄居在这座山, 飞禽走兽友好地对待我如同兄弟, 我只是不忍心看见它们被大火烧死罢了! 天上的神赞扬它的行为, 立即为它熄灭了大火.
(原文有鹦鹉飞集他山,山中禽兽辄相爱重。鹦鹉自念虽乐,不可久也,便去。后数月,山中大火。鹦鹉遥见,便入水沾羽,飞而洒之。天神言「汝虽有志意,何足云也!」对曰「虽知不能救,然尝侨是山,禽兽行善,皆为兄弟,不忍见耳。」天神嘉感,即为灭火。) 一只鹦鹉从别处来的这座山,山上的飞禽走兽都对它很友善,鹦鹉在这里的日子过得相当舒适自在,但此处虽好,却不是自己久留之地,鹦鹉还是离开了这些给它带来欢乐的伙伴,飞到别处去了。 不久,这座山发生火灾火焰高耸入天,在远处的鹦鹉看见后,将身子钻进水里,要用羽毛上的水珠浇灭火山,天神对鹦鹉的这种行径很不理解,鹦鹉回答说「我也知道我这点小力救不了火,但我曾经在这山上居住过,山里的动物们曾带我如兄弟,我实在不忍心见它们面临这场大火,只好尽我所能来帮助它们!」天神对鹦鹉的话很感动,就把大火灭掉了
【译文】 有一只鹦鹉飞到别的山上,栖息在那里,山中的飞禽走兽都很喜欢它。鹦鹉自觉得这座山虽然让它快乐,但不是它长久停留的地方,就飞走离开了。飞禽走兽都依依不舍 过了几个月后,山中失火了。鹦鹉远远看到,心中急得像被火烧。就飞进水中沾湿了自己的羽毛,飞到火上面洒水。 天神说道“你虽然一片好心,但这几滴水又哪里值得说出?” 鹦鹉答道“尽管我知道区区几滴水不能救火,我曾经暂时在这座山住过,山上的飞禽走兽对我很好,我们都亲如兄弟,我不忍心看着他们被火烧毁啊!” 天神赞扬鹦鹉的好心肠,立即为它把火扑灭了。 【鹦鹉灭火】 有鹦鹉飞集他山,山中禽兽辄相爱重。鹦鹉自念虽乐不可久也,便去。 后数月,山中大火。鹦鹉遥见,便入水濡羽,飞而洒之。 天神言“汝虽有志意,何足云也?” 对曰“虽知不能救,然尝侨是山,禽兽行善,皆为兄弟,不忍见耳。” 天神嘉感,即为灭火。
Shenzhens characteristics snacks Daquan 1, the home side-step the BCCI Korean cuisine called similar bake it, Ting also good prices affordable. 2, Huaqiang North side of a civil jar Sichuan eateries, but little shop Ting NEE good price can also, like saliva chicken is 10 yuan a. 3, the Commerce and Industry Bureau Wang nearby alleys behind a home湘菜Museum is not bad, as if called Hunan people that the sausage do good. 4, Love of the Grassland restaurants, Tel: 26974816. Location: Nanshan District Zhongshan Yuen Road 188. Authentic Mongolian lamb, and cheaper prices. 5, Nanshan District government of the rich and opposite City, it seems mainly Cantonese, can not remember. Just remember that in the first floor hall to eat, drink beer not the money. 6, South Add Chau red circle opposite the snake home Shunde City tea quite cheap, large, medium and small were 3.00 yuan, the taste is the most are where roast pigeon, incense and cheap. 7, Jia and City Restaurant, at the junction of routes and深南middle place. Friends like to drink can on there, vegetables are moderate, each down each 20 yuan or so. 8, eight received a Xian Street dishes, doing very good, the price is cheaper, highly recommend: mutton拌面, 10 silver, the sky stunning. 9, 8 Deng Street fish rice Square, cheaper and the second floor of the most important person from the environment of Shunde, Guangdong flavor. 10, Shekou Fenghua Theater Shaanxi flavor that home prices giant cheaper oh well, potato cake only three yuan Zhang bean gruel two yuan a bowl.
在开学前几天,我不幸得染上了病毒性感冒,只得硬着头皮前往医院就诊,医生的一番话,使我不堪一击——挂三天盐水。胆小的我顿时吓得两腿发抖,但也无奈,只好乖乖顺从。 办完繁琐的手续,已时值深夜,走进点滴室时,有的在父母的陪伴下已经安然入睡,只有一些护士还在外面忙忙碌碌,我也昏昏欲睡,瘫坐在椅子上,仍凭盐水在滴管中一点一滴的输入我体内。爸爸因为对医院的气味过敏,在我旁边呆了不久,便出去透气了。 一阵刺痛将我惊醒,只见输液管内已有鲜红的血液,我想大声呼救,可是却怎么也叫不出声来。我急得直跺脚,此时手无束鸡之力的我除了干着急,还有什么用呢?我感到无比绝望,如果空气一旦进入体内,我的生命也就危在旦夕了。幸亏来查房的医生发现了我,才得以帮我缓解了回血之痛。,还是被重扎了一针。经历了这次心惊动魄的回血过程,我便开始构思起了我的输液报警器,于是我便去问我在工程方面有一定造诣的爸爸有关方面报警的原理和知识,学习有关的物理知识,购买有关的材料,一段时间里我越忙越有滋味,完全沉浸在小发明的制作中,在爸爸的精心指导下和老师的热情帮助下我完成了我的发明———滴管输液报警器。作品完成后,我便来到了我舅妈的医院,开始了市场调查,我挨个询问打滴的患者,当他们听到我发明了一种杜绝回血现象的装置时,个个对我刮目相看,并很期待这个装置能投入市场。后来在参加比赛的过程中,评委老师给予了我很多建议,我也适当采纳了些建议进行改进,制成了具有消磁功能的3号报警器,具有远程报警功能的4号报警器等一系列的报警装置。在此,我也希望各位同学也能为我的滴管输液报警器的进一步改进提出宝贵建议! 原理 我的输液报警器的主要功能是为有效防止病人在输液时发生回血的现象,防止事故的发生。 一、两个组成部分 1、干簧管报警回路,安装于输液滴速窗外的底部,可以反复使用。 2、磁浮球,置于输液滴速窗内,随输液面共沉浮。 二、工作原理 1、当输液瓶袋内的吊液未完时,输液滴速窗的液面始终位于滴速窗的12~23处,磁浮球不会吸合干簧管,报警回路不工作,表明输液处于正常状态。 2、当输液瓶袋内的吊液吊尽时,输液滴速窗的液面逐渐下降至滴速窗的底部,此时磁浮球就吸合位于滴速窗底部的干簧管,报警回路工作,蜂鸣器发出鸣叫声,告知输液水已无,需要停止输液,起到了防止病人在输液时发生回血的作用。 三、成本 整个装置的成本不满5元,且线路简单,制作方便,经济实用。 四、拓展性 1、无线报警 在干簧管报警回路中,加入一个转换开关,安装一个无线信号发射装置,在护士室安装一个无线接收装置,这样就构成了无线报警系统。 2、报警与自动切除输液装置 在干簧管报警回路中,加入一个转换开关,在输液橡皮管中加入一个微型电磁阀。即当干簧管报警回路工作时,微型电磁阀线圈得电,微型电磁阀闭合,关断输液橡皮管,起到了报警与自动切除输液双重保护的作用。 In the opening few days ago, I unfortunately have contracted the flu virus, only to go to the hospital, the doctors words, I highly vulnerable - linked to salt water for three days. All of a sudden I did the timid legs tremble, but also frustration, but Guaiguai obedience. After the winding up of red tape, which was the night, intravenous drip into the room, some parents have been accompanied by Enron to sleep, only some nurses are busy outside, I also drowsiness, paralysis sitting in a chair , With the drip still in the dropper in bit by bit I enter the body. Father of the hospital because of the smell allergies, I spent the near side, we go out of the air. I woke up pain will be a while, there are already only infusion of red blood, I would like to shouted for help, but also how they sound to Jiaobu Chu. I am very anxious straight Duojiao, at this time no hand in the beam of my chickens in addition to stem anxious, what is there to do I am extremely desperate, if the air once in my life it has at stake. Thanks to rounds of doctors found me, I was able to help ease the pain of the blood back. However, heavy扎was still a shot. The heart has alerted魄the blood back to the process, I started thinking I had the infusion alarm, so I will ask my works have a certain knowledge of the father of the theory and relevant knowledge of the police, learn about the physical Knowledge, to buy the materials, for a period of time, the more I busy You Ziwei, fully immersed in the production of small inventions, in the careful guidance of his father and the enthusiasm of teachers help me to complete my invention - the dropper Infusion alarm. Upon completion of works, I went to my Jiuma the hospital and started a market survey, I asked one by one a trickle of patients, when they hear that I developed a blood back to eliminate the phenomenon of devices, each Guamuxiangkan to me and very This device can look forward to the market. Later in the process of participating in competitions, the judges gave me a lot of teachers, I have adopted a more appropriate recommendations for improvements made with degaussing function on the 3rd alarm with remote alarm function on the 4th, such as an alarm Series of alarm device. Here, I also hope that students can for my dropper infusion to further improve the alarm raised valuable suggestions! Principle My infusion alarm the main function is to effectively prevent the patient back to blood transfusion occurred when the phenomenon, to prevent accidents. One or two components of the 1, dry spring of alarm circuits, installed in the infusion Disu the bottom of the window, you can use it repeatedly. 2, magnetic balls, placed infusion Disu window, with the infusion of a total of ups and downs. Second, the principle of 1, when the transfusion bottles bags hanging on the unfinished, the infusion of liquid Disu window Disu has always been at the window 1 2 to 2 3, the ball will not Maglev absorption of a dry spring, alarm circuits do not work That the infusion in a normal state. 2, when the transfusion bottles bags hanging on to the hanging, the infusion of liquid Disu window Disu window gradually dropped to the bottom of this maglev ball on the absorption of Disu window at the bottom of the dry reed pipe, alarm circuits , Issued a call buzzer sound, had informed the infusion of water, the need to stop the transfusion and played a prevent patients in blood transfusion occurred when back to the role. Third, costs Dissatisfied with the cost of the device five yuan, and simple lines, making convenient, economical and practical. Fourth, expand and 1, wireless alarm In the dry spring of alarm circuits, by adding a switch, the installation of a wireless signal transmission devices, the installation of a room in the nurses receive wireless devices, and this constitutes a wireless alarm system. 2, alarm devices and automatic removal infusion In the dry spring of alarm circuits, by adding a switch, the infusion Xiang Piguan to add a micro-solenoid valve. That is, when the dry spring when the alarm circuits, micro-electromagnetic coil in the valve power, micro-solenoid valve closure, shutdown infusion Xiangpi Guan, played a transfusion with automatic alarm and dual protection role.