
生活常识 2023-05-09 21:38生活常识www.pifubingw.cn



The Double Ninth Festival, the annual the 9th day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar day, is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation. 重阳节,为每年的农历九月初九日,是中华民族的传统节日。 In ancient times, there were customs of climbing high to pray for blessings, visiting chrysanthemums in autumn, wearing dogwood, offering sacrifices to gods and ancestors, and feasting for longevity. 古时民间在重阳节有登高祈福、秋游赏菊、佩插茱萸、祭神祭祖及饮宴求寿等习俗。 So far, it has added the connotation of respecting the elderly, enjoying the feast high on the day of the Double Ninth Festival, and being grateful to the elderly. 传承至今,又添加了敬老等内涵,于重阳之日享宴高会,感恩敬老。 Appreciation of the autumn and gratitude for respecting the elderly are two important themes of todays Double Ninth Festival. 登高赏秋与感恩敬老是当今重阳节日活动的两大重要主题。 1.go to the high 登高 Chongyang Festival first has the custom of climbing high. In September, the golden autumn, the weather is high and refreshing. This season, climbing high is expected to achieve the goal of relaxation and happiness, fitness and disease elimination. 重阳节有登高的习俗,金秋九月,天高气爽,这个季节登高远望可达到心旷神怡、健身祛病的目的。 2. eat Chongyang cake 吃重阳糕 The custom of eating Chongyang cakes is related to climbing. Gaohe Cake homonym, as a festival food, was originally intended to celebrate the harvest of autumn grain and enjoy the new grain. After that, the people had the auspicious meaning of climbing the mountain to eat cakes and taking steps to climb the mountain.与登高相联系的有吃重阳糕的风俗。高和糕谐音,作为节日食品,最早是庆祝秋粮丰收、喜尝新粮的用意,之后民间才有了登高吃糕,取步步登高的吉祥之意。 3.Chrysanthemum 赏菊 On the Double Ninth Festival, there has always been the custom of enjoying chrysanthemums, so it has been called chrysanthemum festival since ancient times. The lunar calendar is commonly known as the chrysanthemum month in September, and the chrysanthemum conference is held at the festival. Since the Three Kingdoms and Wei Jin Dynasties, Chung Yeung has been drinking and appreciating chrysanthemums for poetry. In ancient Han customs, chrysanthemums symbolize longevity.重阳日,历来就有赏菊花的风俗,所以古来又称菊花节。农历九月俗称菊月,节日举办菊花大会,倾城的人潮赴会赏菊。从三国魏晋以来,重阳聚会饮酒、赏菊赋诗已成时尚。在汉族古俗中,菊花象征长寿。 4.drink chrysanthemum wine 饮菊花酒 On the Double Ninth Festival, the traditional custom of drinking chrysanthemum wine is in China. Chrysanthemum wine is regarded as the auspicious wine in ancient times, which is Chongyang must drink and dispel calamity and pray for blessing. 重阳佳节,我国有饮菊花酒的传统习俗。菊花酒,在古代被看作是重阳必饮、祛灾祈福的“吉祥酒”。 5.Cornus officinalis 佩茱萸 In ancient times, the custom of 99 Cornus officinalis was also popular, so it was also called Zhuyu Festival. Fructus Corni can be used to make wine, keep fit and remove disease. The introduction of Fructus Corni and hairpin chrysanthemum was very common in the Tang Dynasty. Fructus Corni has strong fragrance, which has the function of repelling insects, removing dampness and inducing wind evil, and can eliminate food accumulation and treat cold and heat. 古代还风行九九插茱萸的习俗,所以又叫做茱萸节。茱萸入药,可制酒养身祛病。插茱萸和簪菊花在唐代就已经很普遍。茱萸香味浓,有驱虫去湿、逐风邪的作用,并能消积食,治寒热。


用英语介绍重阳节The Double Ninth Festival, the annual the 9th day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar day, is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation.In ancient times, there were customs of climbing high to pray for blessings, visiting chrysanthemums in autumn, wearing dogwood, offering sacrifices to gods and ancestors, and feasting for longevity.【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】,课均不到20元,免费跟着外教学习专业的英语知识!在阿卡索,每位外教皆持证上岗,保证教学质量,而且学习频率也是非常高的,每天都有25分钟时间学习,能有效提高写作水平哦,大家可以点击上方蓝字体验下咱们的外教课程。不知道如何选择英语机构,可以百度咨询“阿卡索vivi老师”;如果想下载免费英语资源,可以百度搜索“阿卡索官网论坛”。


The Double Ninth Festival, the annual the 9th day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar day, is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation. 重阳节,为每年的农历九月初九日,是中华民族的传统节日。 In ancient times, there were customs of climbing high to pray for blessings, visiting chrysanthemums in autumn, wearing dogwood, offering sacrifices to gods and ancestors, and feasting for longevity. 古时民间在重阳节有登高祈福、秋游赏菊、佩插茱萸、祭神祭祖及饮宴求寿等习俗。 So far, it has added the connotation of respecting the elderly, enjoying the feast high on the day of the Double Ninth Festival, and being grateful to the elderly. 传承至今,又添加了敬老等内涵,于重阳之日享宴高会,感恩敬老。 Appreciation of the autumn and gratitude for respecting the elderly are two important themes of todays Double Ninth Festival. 登高赏秋与感恩敬老是当今重阳节日活动的两大重要主题。 1.go to the high 登高 Chongyang Festival first has the custom of climbing high. In September, the golden autumn, the weather is high and refreshing. This season, climbing high is expected to achieve the goal of relaxation and happiness, fitness and disease elimination. 重阳节有登高的习俗,金秋九月,天高气爽,这个季节登高远望可达到心旷神怡、健身祛病的目的。 2. eat Chongyang cake 吃重阳糕 The custom of eating Chongyang cakes is related to climbing. Gaohe Cake homonym, as a festival food, was originally intended to celebrate the harvest of autumn grain and enjoy the new grain. After that, the people had the auspicious meaning of climbing the mountain to eat cakes and taking steps to climb the mountain.与登高相联系的有吃重阳糕的风俗。高和糕谐音,作为节日食品,最早是庆祝秋粮丰收、喜尝新粮的用意,之后民间才有了登高吃糕,取步步登高的吉祥之意。 3.Chrysanthemum 赏菊 On the Double Ninth Festival, there has always been the custom of enjoying chrysanthemums, so it has been called chrysanthemum festival since ancient times. The lunar calendar is commonly known as the chrysanthemum month in September, and the chrysanthemum conference is held at the festival. Since the Three Kingdoms and Wei Jin Dynasties, Chung Yeung has been drinking and appreciating chrysanthemums for poetry. In ancient Han customs, chrysanthemums symbolize longevity.重阳日,历来就有赏菊花的风俗,所以古来又称菊花节。农历九月俗称菊月,节日举办菊花大会,倾城的人潮赴会赏菊。从三国魏晋以来,重阳聚会饮酒、赏菊赋诗已成时尚。在汉族古俗中,菊花象征长寿。 4.drink chrysanthemum wine 饮菊花酒 On the Double Ninth Festival, the traditional custom of drinking chrysanthemum wine is in China. Chrysanthemum wine is regarded as the auspicious wine in ancient times, which is Chongyang must drink and dispel calamity and pray for blessing. 重阳佳节,我国有饮菊花酒的传统习俗。菊花酒,在古代被看作是重阳必饮、祛灾祈福的“吉祥酒”。 5.Cornus officinalis 佩茱萸 In ancient times, the custom of 99 Cornus officinalis was also popular, so it was also called Zhuyu Festival. Fructus Corni can be used to make wine, keep fit and remove disease. The introduction of Fructus Corni and hairpin chrysanthemum was very common in the Tang Dynasty. Fructus Corni has strong fragrance, which has the function of repelling insects, removing dampness and inducing wind evil, and can eliminate food accumulation and treat cold and heat. 古代还风行九九插茱萸的习俗,所以又叫做茱萸节。茱萸入药,可制酒养身祛病。插茱萸和簪菊花在唐代就已经很普遍。茱萸香味浓,有驱虫去湿、逐风邪的作用,并能消积食,治寒热。


重阳节由来 九月初九重阳节,又称为“重九节”,是一个纪念先人及扫墓的节日。 重阳节,起源于战国时代,原是一个欢乐的日子。古人将天地万物归为阴阳两类,阴代表黑暗,阳则代表光明、活力。奇数为阳,偶数为阴。九是奇数,属阳,九月初九,日月逢九,二阳相重,故称“重阳”。 这一天,正值仲秋季节,天高气爽,是登高远眺,舒畅胸怀的好时光。中国历代许多文人雅士,每当此时,登上高处,一面饮菊花酒,一面吟诗取乐,留下无数诗篇。 重阳节文章 九月,严寒的冬关即将降临,人们开始添置冬装,他们也不忘在拜祭先人时烧纸衣,让先人在阴间过冬。这一来,重阳节便演变为扫墓及为先人焚化冬衣的节日。 重阳节和其他传统节日一样,是家人团聚的佳节;也是一个纪念祖先的家人。在新加坡,仍有一部分会馆保留重阳节祭祖的习俗,叫做“秋祭”。 其他人士可以在这一天选择较有传统意义的庆祝方式,比如一家人或与友好相约到户外活动,既可享受大自然的风光,又能联络亲友之间的感情。 农历九月初九,月日均是九数,双阳相重,故名重阳节。重阳节作为一个以娱乐为主的节日,主要节俗活动是登高、赏菊、喝菊花酒、插茱萸、还要吃糕。 重阳节主要节俗活动是登高、赏菊、喝菊花酒、插茱萸、还要吃糕。每到重阳节正是登高远眺,舒畅胸怀的好时光。重阳节和其他传统节日一样,是家人团聚的佳节;也是一个纪念祖先的家人。不仅如此,在我眼中的重阳节还代表着人们各种各样的丰富情感。


重阳节手抄报 : 重阳节,又称重九节、晒秋节、“踏秋”,中国传统节日。庆祝重阳节一般会包括出游赏秋、登高远眺、观赏菊花、遍插茱萸、吃重阳糕、饮菊花酒等活动。每年的农历九月初九日,与除夕、清明节、中元节三节统称中国传统四大祭祖的节日。重阳节,早在战国时期就已经形成,到了唐代被正式定为民间的节日,此后历朝历代沿袭至今。重阳与三月初三日“踏春”皆是家族倾室而出,重阳这天所有亲人都要一起登高“避灾”。《易经》中把“六”定为阴数,把“九”定为阳数,九月九日,日月并阳,两九相重,故曰重阳,也叫重九。重阳节早在战国时期就已经形成,自魏晋重阳气氛日渐浓郁,倍受历代文人墨客吟咏,到了唐代被正式定为民间的节日,此后历朝历代沿袭至今。


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