
生活常识 2023-05-07 20:35生活常识www.pifubingw.cn



我觉得写情书是 一件很浪漫的事情。 是需要自己用心去写的, 这样才最容易打动人心。


呵呵.直说多好.何必绕来绕去. 说实话.我上学时候.不懂事.也写过情书.我当时是用了1314首歌写的一个情书.写了好多张纸




动物之间因发情所致的动作称之为交配,动物之间于交配前会进行类似于“决斗”“歌唱”,盖房(建立巢穴)等动作来讨取雌性的欢心,从而达到交配的目的。 ,可如下表白今日因发情,想尽快繁衍下一代,看你“风汝肥臀”想与你进行交配,可以为你进行决斗,歌唱,搭建爱巢,望你同意! 文言文版近日常感老二肿胀,脑海春宫不断,遂度娘以问之,答曰思春。恍然大悟!遂忆起,汝之影,翩翩不断,日夜不眠,目赤肝燥。苦思数日得解,莫如于汝一表相思之苦,不知可否共赴巫山云雨?望尽快答之!

实习医生格蕾中burke 在手术室里向cristina 用了很多的医学专业术语表白是那一集

S03E25 ,第三季一集 是Burke(准备)的结婚誓词 Christina, I could promise to hold you, and to cherish you. I could promise to be there in sickness and in health. I could say, till death to us apart, but I wont. Those vows are for optimistic couples. Theones full of hope, and I do not stand here on my wedding day optimistic or full of hope. I am not optimistic, I am not hopeful. I am SURE. I am STEADY. And I KNOW. Im a heart man. I take them apart, I put them back together. I hold them in my hands. I AM a heart man. So this, I AM SURE You are my partner, my lover, my very best friend. My heart, MY HEART, beats for you. And on this day. The day of our wedding. I promise you this. I promise you to lay my heart in the palm of your hands. I promise you, ME.


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