
生活常识 2023-05-08 08:59生活常识www.pifubingw.cn







Order: Cetacea Suborder: Odontoceti Family: Phocoenidae Genus: Neophocaena Species: phocaenoides Distribution and Habitat Finless porpoises are widely distributed in the coastal waters of Asia, from the Persian Gulf, east and north to Central Japan and as far south as the northern coast of Java and the Strait of Sunda (see map). Finless porpoises are described as a coastal, estuarine or riverine species and they are usually sighted near the coast. Natural History Finless porpoises are slender and have no dorsal fin. In its place along the mid-dorsum is a low dorsal ridge which is covered by thick denticulated skin. Newborn finless porpoises are mainly black with some grey on the dorsal ridge area. These young porpoises quickly become lighter and after 4 to 6 months attain the uniform light grey colour of adults. Both male and female finless porpoises grow to lengths greater then 1.55 m. Although there is a great deal of variability between populations of finless porpoises, males become sexually mature at 4.5 - 9 years and females at 3-7 years. Finless porpoises are opportunistic feeders, consuming a wide variety of fishes, shrimps and cephalopods throughout their range. Status and Protection Finless porpoises are found yearly throughout their entire range, but in some areas exhibit seasonal movements and changes in local abundance. These changes in local abundance and distribution are not well documented for most regions. Finless porpoises are currently listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as a Data Deficient species throughout their range, except in China where they are currently listed as Endangered. Threats to the Species The greatest threat to finless porpoise populations is incidental mortality in fishing gear. These animals are taken in a variety of driftnet, gillnet, trap net and trawl net fisheries throughout their range. The extent of bycatch in many areas is not well documented. They are also caught in rolling hook gear (lines of iron hooks set across the flow of the river) in the Yangtze River, China.


白暨豚是哺乳纲、鲸目的一科水生动物,是中国特有的一种小型淡水鲸。 白暨豚体呈纺锤形,体长1.5-2.5米,体重可达230千克。吻部似鸟喙般向前伸出,窄而长,吻尖略向上翘,约30厘米。额顶显著隆起,鼻孔长在头顶,呼吸时,头部先出水,喷出的水花不高。 白暨豚眼极小,在口角后上方。耳孔呈针眼状。背鳍三角形,鳍肢较宽,末端钝圆,尾鳍呈新月形。体表背面呈青灰色,腹面为白色,尾鳍并不出水。 白暨豚的濒危原因 白暨豚数量的逐年减少,主要有其自身繁殖能力较差和长江流域人类活动较多两方面的原因。白暨豚所属的鲸目水生多数早在数万年前迁入海洋的咸水中生存去了,停留在地球各地的淡水流域中生存的鲸目淡水豚类种群数均小,其中至今剩余的五种淡水豚均是濒危物种。 ,根据遗传学的研究发现,白暨豚的遗传多样性很低,这也加剧了灭绝的速度。科学家为此曾提出迁地保护的建议。




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