宁波冬天温度一般是多少度?关于宁波天气(四季)的英语作文 10

生活常识 2023-05-08 15:40生活常识www.pifubingw.cn



宁波冬·季平均温度是5C~13℃。白天平均温度是13℃,建议穿套装、夹衣、风衣、休闲装、夹克衫、西装、薄毛衣等保暖衣服。夜间平均温度是5℃,建议穿风衣、大衣、夹大衣、外套、毛衣、毛套装、西装、防寒服等保暖衣服。 扩展资料 宁波地处宁波平原,纬度适中,属亚热带季风气候,温和湿润,四季分明。宁波市的多年平均气温16.4℃,平均气温以七月份最高,为28.0℃,一月份最低,为4.7℃。宁波市无霜期一般为230天至240天。多年平均降水量为1480毫米左右,五至九月占全年降水量的60%。多年平均日照时数1850小时。 宁波四季分明,冬夏季长达4个月,春秋季仅约2个月。若以平均气温22℃为夏季、平均气温10℃为冬季、10~22℃为春秋两季这一标准划分一般是3月第六候入春,6月第一候进夏,9月第六候入秋,11月第六候入冬。 作物生长期300天。多年平均降水量1480mm,山地丘陵一般要比平原多三成,主要雨季有3~6月的春雨连梅雨和8~9月的台风雨和秋雨,主汛期5~9月的降水量占全年的60%。




浙江冬天最低气温-17.4℃。 浙江天气受制于北方冷气团(即冬季风)的影响,天气过程种类相对较少。冬季气候特点是晴冷少雨、空气干燥。冬季主要气象灾害有寒潮、雨雪等。 冬季平均气温3~9℃,气温分布特点为由南向北递减,由东向西递减;各地降水量140~250毫米,除东北部海岛偏少明显外,其余各地差异不大。 浙江春季气候特点为阴冷多雨,沿海和近海时常出现大风,浙江省雨水增多,天气晴雨不定,正所谓“春天孩儿脸,一日变三变”。


浙江的冬天不寒冷。 浙江冬季气候特点是晴冷少雨、空气干燥。冬季平均气温3~9℃,气温分布特点为由南向北递减,由东向西递减;各地降水量140~250毫米,除东北部海岛偏少明显外,其余各地差异不大;浙江省各地雨日为28~41天。冬季主要气象灾害有寒潮、雨雪等。 浙江冬季的气候是东亚冬季风的强弱主要取决于蒙古冷高压的活动情况,浙江天气受制于北方冷气团(即冬季风)的影响,天气过程种类相对较少。 扩展资料 浙江位于我国东部沿海,处于欧亚大陆与西北太平洋的过渡地带,该地带属典型的亚热带季风气候区。受东亚季风影响,浙江冬夏盛行风向有显著变化,降水有明显的季节变化。 由于浙江位于中、低纬度的沿海过渡地带,加之地形起伏较大,受西风带和东风带天气系统的双重影响,各种气象灾害频繁发生,是我国受台风、暴雨、干旱、寒潮、大风、冰雹、冻害、龙卷风等灾害影响最严重地区之一。 浙江气候总的特点是:季风显著,四季分明,年气温适中,光照较多,雨量丰沛,空气湿润,雨热季节变化同步,气候资源配制多样,气象灾害繁多。浙江年平均气温15~18℃,极端最高气温33~43℃,极端最低气温-2.2~-17.4℃;全省年平均雨量在980~2000毫米,年平均日照时数1710~2100小时。 参考资料来源百度百科-浙江 参考资料来源浙江省人民政府网站-浙江气候


Ningbo is one of Chinas oldest cities, with a history dating back to the Hemudu culture in 4800 BC. Climatic Features: monsoon-influenced humid subtropical climate (Koppen Cfa), featuring temperate and humid weather and four distinct seasons; frost-free period of 230-240 days Mean Temperature: annual-17.0 °C (62.6 °F), January-4.8 °C (40.6 °F), July-29.0 °C (84.2 °F) Average Rainfall: 1,450 millimetres (57.1 in) Humid subtropical climate A Humid subtropical climate (Kppen Cfa or Cwa) is a climate zone characterized by hot, humid summers and cool winters. This climate type covers a broad category of climates, and the term subtropical may be a misnomer for the winter climate. Significant amounts of precipitation occur in all seasons in most areas. Winter rainfall (and sometimes snowfall) is associated with large storms that the westerlies steer from west to east. Most summer rainfall occurs during thunderstorms and an occasional tropical storm, hurricane or cyclone. Humid subtropical climates lie on the southeast side of all continents between latitudes 25° and 40° north and south. Two of the few exceptions where this climate zone reaches up to latitude 46° north are in the Po Valley of Italy and Toulouse region of France, and along the Black Sea coast of Europe. The Koppen definition of this climate is for the coldest months mean temperature to be between 3 °C (26.6 °F) and 18 °C (64.4 °F), and the warmest month to be above 22 °C (71.6 °F); along with either a dry winter- with less than one tenth of the precipitation of the wettest summer month- (Kppen: w) or without dry season (Kppen: f, winter months get more than one tenth of the precipitation of the wettest summer month, and summer months get at least 30 mm (1.2 in) per month or more than one third as much the wettest winter month).


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