
生活常识 2023-05-08 18:25生活常识





连续性降水---即持续较长时间的不间断降水. 持续降水在一段时间内可以间歇性降水. 没有时间上的具体区分.


从概念上区分 1.稽留热 体温持续于39℃~40℃以上,达数日或数周,24小时波动范围不超过1℃。见于肺炎链球菌性肺炎、伤寒、斑疹伤寒等的发热极期。 2.弛张热 体温在39℃以上,但波动幅度大,24小时内体温差达2℃以上,最低时一般仍高于正常水平。常见于败血症、风湿热、重症肺结核、化脓性炎症等。 3.间歇热 高热期与无热期交替出现,体温波动幅度可达数度,无热期(间歇期)可持续1日至数日,反复发作。见于疟疾、急性肾盂肾炎等。 4.回归热 体温骤然升至39℃以上,持续数日后又骤然下降至正常水平,高热期与无热期各持续若干日后即有规律地交替一次。见于回归热、霍奇金病、周期热等。 5.波状热 体温逐渐升高达39℃或以上,数天后逐渐下降至正常水平,数天后再逐渐升高,如此反复多次。见于布鲁菌病。 6.不规则热 发热无一定规律,可见于结核病、风湿热、支气管肺炎、渗出性胸膜炎、感染性心内膜炎等。


这几种发热方式在温度、持续时间、波动等方面存在差异,具体区别方式如下 1、不规则热,指发热时体温波动的范围极不规则,持续时间也不一定,体温曲线毫无规律。体温常在38℃左右或波动于37~40℃之间。 2、间歇热(intermittent fever)是临床较为常见的一种发热类型,体温骤升可达39℃以上,持续数小时,又迅速降至正常水平或正常以下,无热期(间歇期)可持续1天至数天,如此高热期与无热期反复交替出现。 3、驰张热,又称败血症热型。体温常在39℃以上,波动幅度大,24h内波动范围超过2℃,但都在正常水平以上。 4、稽留热(continued fever)是临床上常见的一种热型。体温上升后即恒定地维持在39℃-40℃以上的高水平,达数天或数周。24小时内体温波动范围不超过1℃。多为高热,体温常在39℃以上,一般上午体温较下午低,体温可渐退或骤退。 5、波浪热即是布鲁氏杆菌病,又称布氏杆菌病。临床以长期发热、 出汗较多、关节肿痛、肝脾及淋巴结肿大为主要表现。


建议用翻译工具翻译一下,顺便说下,一下文档和例子属于微软公司都柏林分公司的Ger Brick先生。在此也中心感谢他的分享。 简单的说left shift是指把工作负荷尽量从IT运维的高层次转向低层次,从而提高客户满意度以及提高效率。 I was on the phone when you pinged me. Andmy internet connection was dropping cause I’m on a train. Of course. Any timeyou need something or I can help with anything just ping me. So Shift Left …Let me give you an examplefictitious scenario : A support group provides technical supportfor an application – Let’s say it’ called “Crappy App” J The support group has multiple lines ofsupport for “Crappy App” as follows : - L1 provides 1st line BusinessSupport, with ability to answer questions such as how to use theapplication. - L2 provides 1st linetechnical support , with ability to do light troubleshooting on user issuessuch as checking browser settings etc - L3 provides 2nd line technicalsupport , with ability to do deep technical analysis on issues – can runqueries , update database etc The Support team gets 100 requests a monthto set up users with access to the Crappy App application. Currently ,there is no way for a user to self-administer their access , so users have tocontact the support team as follows : - User contacts L1 asking to be set up withaccess. - L1 can’t do it so they send it to L2. - L2 can’t do it so they send it L3 - Finally L3 set up the user with access byadding the user to the database - L3 send the resolution to L2. - L2 send to L1 - L1 send the resolution to the customer - Customer gets access ( if he hasn’talready died of old age) So if you think about the above, 3 linesof support have been involved in resolving the issue ,and in reality onlyone line of support provided any value. Shift Left in this scenario is aboutfiguring out how to move the resolution of the issue LEFT fromL3 back down to L1 or even to the end user. - One solution might be train L2 to set upusers the Database. Therefore L3 don’t have to do it anymore. In doingthis you have shifted the resolution of the problem one stepLEFT . Benefits are the saving on time and cost on L3 and in theorycustomer gets access quicker. - Another solution might be spend 10K on alittle application with a UI that allows L1 to set up the users. Therefore noneed to go to L2 and 3 anymore. The problem has been Shifted Left by twosteps. Benefits are the saving on time and cost on L2 & L3 because theissue gets resolved at L1 and the issue is resolved even quicker - A final solution might be to spend 15K ona solution that enables the user to set themselves up with access. Benefits -No need to contact the support team & the customer is delirious. So In summary , Shift Left is all aboutidentifying recurring issues and moving the resolution of them Left down thelines of the support queue. The desired outcome is : - Reduced support costs, - Better , faster service to the customerleading to greater customer satisfaction, - Frees up Support teams to do more valueadd work - Reduced Ticket volumes 电脑有两个SHIFT键,LEFT SHIFT指的是左边的SHIFT键


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